CPV code search

76431000 – Well-drilling services

Code Name
76431100 Well-drilling control services
76431200 Well-drilling pickup services
76431300 Well-drilling laydown services
76431400 Rathole well-drilling services
76431500 Well-drilling supervision services
76431600 Well-drilling rig monitor services

Well-drilling services code description

The category “Well-drilling services” encompasses a range of specialized services related to drilling wells. These services include well-drilling control, pickup, and laydown services, which involve managing and handling equipment during the drilling process. Additionally, there are rathole well-drilling services, which specifically focus on drilling holes for oil and gas exploration. The category also includes well-drilling supervision services, which involve overseeing and ensuring the smooth operation of drilling activities. Lastly, there are well-drilling rig monitor services, which involve monitoring and analyzing data from drilling rigs. These services are essential for various industries that require well-drilling, such as oil and gas exploration, water supply, and geothermal energy.