CPV code search

76000000 – Services related to the oil and gas industry

Code Name
76000000 Services related to the oil and gas industry
76100000 Professional services for the gas industry
76200000 Professional services for the oil industry
76300000 Drilling services
76400000 Rig-positioning services
76500000 Onshore and offshore services
76600000 Pipeline-inspection services

Services related to the oil and gas industry code description

The category “Services related to the oil and gas industry” encompasses a range of specialized services aimed at supporting the oil and gas sector. These services are crucial for the smooth functioning of the industry and include professional services for both the gas and oil sectors, drilling services, rig-positioning services, onshore and offshore services, and pipeline-inspection services. These services cater to the specific needs of the oil and gas industry, ensuring efficient operations, safety, and compliance. Whether it’s providing expertise in gas or oil-related projects, conducting drilling operations, positioning rigs accurately, or inspecting pipelines, these services play a vital role in supporting the oil and gas sector’s activities.