CPV code search

50400000 – Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment

Code Name
50410000 Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus
50420000 Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment
50430000 Repair and maintenance services of precision equipment

Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment code description

The category “Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment” encompasses various subcategories that pertain to the repair and maintenance of specific types of equipment. These subcategories include the repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing, and checking apparatus, medical and surgical equipment, as well as precision equipment. This category is relevant for suppliers and contracting authorities involved in public procurement within the European Union who require repair and maintenance services for their medical and precision equipment. Whether it’s ensuring the accuracy and functionality of measuring instruments, the proper functioning of medical and surgical equipment, or the maintenance of precision equipment, this category provides a comprehensive range of services to meet these needs.