CPV code search

32410000 – Local area network

Code Name
32411000 Token-ring network
32412000 Communications network
32413000 Integrated network
32415000 Ethernet network
32416000 ISDN network
32417000 Multimedia networks
32418000 Radio network

Local area network code description

The Local Area Network category encompasses various subcategories that classify different types of networks used for communication and data transfer within a limited geographical area. These networks are designed to facilitate efficient and secure information exchange among devices and systems within a specific location. The subcategories include Token-ring network, Communications network, Integrated network, Ethernet network, ISDN network, Multimedia networks, and Radio network. Each subcategory represents a specific type of network technology or infrastructure that can be utilized for various purposes, such as connecting computers, enabling multimedia communication, or establishing wireless connectivity. By selecting the appropriate subcategory, users can easily identify and access the relevant goods or services related to their specific networking requirements.