CPV code search

24326000 – Aldehyde, ketone, organic peroxides and ethers

Code Name
24326100 Aldehyde function compounds
24326200 Ketone and quinone function compounds
24326300 Organic peroxides

Aldehyde, ketone, organic peroxides and ethers code description

The category “Aldehyde, ketone, organic peroxides and ethers” encompasses a range of chemical compounds used in various industries. Aldehyde function compounds, represented by the CPV code 24326100, refer to substances containing the aldehyde functional group, which find applications in pharmaceuticals, perfumes, and chemical synthesis. Ketone and quinone function compounds, identified by the CPV code 24326200, include substances with ketone or quinone functional groups, commonly used in solvents, coatings, and pharmaceuticals. Organic peroxides, classified under the CPV code 24326300, are compounds that contain the peroxide functional group and are utilized as initiators in polymerization reactions and as bleaching agents. This category provides a comprehensive classification for suppliers and contracting authorities to identify and procure specific compounds within these chemical groups.