CPV code search

9300000 – Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy

Code Name
09310000 Electricity
09320000 Steam, hot water and associated products
09330000 Solar energy
09340000 Nuclear fuels

Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy code description

The category “Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy” encompasses various subcategories related to energy sources and products. It includes the procurement of electricity, which refers to the supply of electrical power. The subcategory of steam, hot water, and associated products involves the procurement of these utilities for heating purposes. Solar energy focuses on the acquisition of products and services related to harnessing energy from the sun, such as solar panels and solar power systems. Lastly, nuclear fuels pertain to the procurement of materials used in nuclear power generation. This category provides a comprehensive range of options for suppliers and contracting authorities seeking energy-related goods and services.